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Floor and Cage Pullet Raising

New Generation Poultry Service, Inc.’s floor and cage pullet raising services are in compliance with certified humane standards for each particular bird breed. Both conventional and organic floor pullet production are available.

Layer Service

New Generation Poultry Service, Inc. offers several poultry diagnostic services for layers, including: analyzing blood, disease diagnosis, and the formulation of vaccine programs. New Generation Poultry Service, Inc. will also monitor bird health with the egg production goal to always have above average layer production, all while meeting PEQAP and FDA regulations. 


Blood Testing and Diagnositc Services

New Generation Poultry Service, Inc. offers several blood testing and diagnostic services.  Services include blood certification for transportation of poultry to other states and countries, as well as live bird market poultry inspection and certification.  NPIP blood work is available. New Generation Poultry Service also offers salmonella swabbing in compliance with PEQAP and FDA regulations.

New Generation Poultry Service, Inc. specializes in agricultural and commercial Rodent and Insect Extermination in Poultry Layer Facilities, Pullet Houses, Broiler Barns and Egg and Meat Processing Plants, Feed Mills, Grain Storage Facilities and other Agricultural Facilities. New Generation Poultry Service, Inc. also sells pest management products, specializing in rodent and fly management products. Rodent extermination consulting is also available in all 50 states. For more information, see George George's article, "Aw, Rats! (And Mice Too)."

Specialty Poultry

New Generation Poultry Service, Inc. offers services to a wide variety of speciality poultry, including turkeys, quail, pheasants, and game birds. New Generation Poultry Service, Inc. also meets PEQAP and FDA regulations. 

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